
Zombie Hunter University, Fairview

Dr. Raglan's Scientific-Minimalist School of Dead Frontier Weapons, Builds & Boss-Hunting

Dead Frontier Zone by Zone Zombie Guide

There are myriad species of zombies haunting the streets of Fairview - in all shapes and sizes. Some are threatening only when part of a large group. Others are so big and powerful that they are dangerous on their own.

The important facts regarding each one are:

  1. Where do they reside?
  2. How much damage does it take to kill them?
  3. How much experience do survivors earn for killing them?
  4. How much damage do they inflict?

The answers to questions #1 and #2 will determine what weapons are needed as students progress through the world of Dead Frontier.

Another factor to consider is HOW often a particular zombie will be encountered. If the answer is "not very," students need to decide whether it is cost effective to purchase a weapon powerful enough to kill that particular opponent.


  • Dog Zombie: 20 Health Points – all zones except black
  • Female: 21 Health Points – all zones except Black
  • Male: 25 Health Points – all zones except Black
  • Fat Female: 30 Health Points – all zones except Black
  • Fat Male: 34 Health Point – al zones except Black
  • Burning Zombie: 2,500 Health Points – also in Yellow and Orange Zones

All Common Zombies in the Blue Zones are "Normal Zombies," with low Health Points. They are small threat individually, becoming dangerous in groups during aggro spikes.

The only Boss Zombie in the Blue Zones is the Burning Zombie. He is quite intimidating when first encountered - it seems to take forever to kill him - but with a little experience, he will cease to be a threat.


  • Burned Female: 70 Health Points – and zones beyond, except Black
  • Irradiated Female: 70 Health Points - and zones beyond, except Black
  • Burned Male: 80 Health Points - and zones beyond, except Black
  • Irradiated Male: 80 Health Points - and zones beyond, except Black
  • Blood Dog: 100 Health Points - and zones beyond, except Black???
  • Titan: 7,500 Health Points – also in Yellow and Orange Zones
  • Mother: 7,500 Health Points – also in Yellow and Orange Zones
  • Burning Titan: 15,000 Health Points – also in Yellow and Orange Zones
  • Burning Mother: 15,000 Health Points – also in Yellow and Orange Zones

All of the Normal Zombies from the Blue Zones continue to appear in Green Zones. Additionally, some "Special" Zombies are quite common: there are Blood Dogs and Burned and Irradiated versions of the Male and Female Zombies.

Blood Dogs are faster, strong versions of the Zombie Dogs from the Blue Zones.

Burned Females and Burned Males are simply stronger versions of the Male and Female zombies in the Blue Zones. They are harder to kill, and the do more damage when they strike.

Irradiated Zombies emit vomit, which enables them to inflict damage from a greater distance, making it more dangerous to approach them.

There are also some new Boss Zombies. The Titan is a bit of a challenge - essentially a souped up Bone - but the Mother is a bit easier because of her slow speed. Watch out, however, she spews vomit and explodes upon death.

The Flaming versions of these Boss Zombies are harder to kill and inflict more damage but otherwise are much the same.


  • Siren: 70 Health Points – and zones beyond
  • Small Bloat: 100 Health Points – Yellow Zones only
  • Reaper: 200 Health Points – Yellow Zones only
  • Bone: 250 Health Points – Yellow Zones only

The Yellow Zones do not add any Common Zombies. Instead, they retain all the Normal and Special Zombies from the previous zones and add a quartet of Mutant Zombies.

Sirens are probably the most significant. Though they do direct harm, their shrill screams provoke aggro. It is best to eliminate them immediately.

Small Bloats area slow and easy to defeat, but they explode upon death, making them a problem for Melee students, who must get up close and personal to their opponents. 

Reapers are also slow, but they have long arms that can strike before Melee students get close enough to attack them.

Bones are fast and strong. Students need to raise Agility and develop dodging skills to handle them.


  • Bloat: 200 Health Points – and zones beyond
  • Tendril: 235 Health Points – and zones beyond
  • Spider: 300 Health Points – and zones beyond
  • Brute: 400 Health Points – and zones beyond
  • Leaper: 400 Health Points – and zones beyond
  • Giant Spider: 15,000 Health Points – and zones beyond
  • Wraith: 15,000 Health Points – and zones beyond
  • Burning Giant Spider: 30,000 Health Points – and zones beyond
  • Burning Wraith: 30,000 Health Points – and zones beyond
  • Black Titan: 100,000 Health Points – and zones beyond
  • Burning Black Titan: 200,000 Health Points – and zones beyond

Essentially, the retains the Common Zombies from the Blue and Green Zones while exchanging the Yellow Zone Mutants for a new set. The one exception is the Siren: she remains throughout the rest of the game, but small Bloats, Reapers, and Bones disappear. In their place are Bloats, Tendrils, Spiders, Brutes, and Leapers.

Bloats are bigger and stronger but no faster than Small Bloats

Tendrils and Spiders are fast and dangerous - more so than the Yellow Zone Bones.

Brutes and Leapers are slow but hard to kill. The Brute expels vomit. The Leaper is sort of a more dangerous version of the Reaper - able to kill any human with a single blow, regardless of Endurance and Armor.

The new Boss Zombies are quite fast and, therefore, dangerous. Wraiths have long striking distances. Spiders are pretty much impossible to outrun. Both require dodging skills complemented with good weapons. The Burning versions take longer to kill, so epic concentration is needed to avoid making a fatal mistake.

Black Titans, whether Burning or not, are extremely fast, requiring excellent dodging skills or - more likely - enhancement with Speed Drugs. These creatures are so hard to kill that Damage Boost drugs are also popular.


  • Long Arm: 140 Health Points - also Black Zones
  • Rumbler: 170 Health Points - also Black Zones
  • Burning Long Arm: 10,000 Health Points – also Black Zones
  • Burning Flesh Hound: 10,000 Health Points – also Black Zones

The Red Zones see the introduction of some new Common Zombies. Technically, these are mutants - Long Arms, Rumblers, and Flesh Hounds - but their prevalence demands that they be treated as Common Zombies.

Essentially, the Long Arm functions like a stronger version of the Normal Male Zombie; the Rumbler is a Fat Male on steroids; and the Flesh Hound is a Blood Dog on even more steroids.

Though their Health Points are lower than those of most other Mutants ( Elite Level equipment is not needed to kill them in a second or less), looting takes much longer without weapons that can kill these creatures quickly.

The Burning (or Boss) versions of these zombies are more powerful than Titans and Mothers but less powerful than Spiders and Wraiths.


  • Black Longarm: 200 Health Points
  • Black Rumbler: 250 Health Points
  • Irradiated Long Arm: 200 Health Points
  • Irradiated Rumber: 250 Health Points
  • Flesh Hound: 200 Health Points

Black Zones feature enhanced versions of the Long Arms and Rumblers from the Red Zones. This creates a situation in which survivors are facing off with Common Zombies that have the Health Points of low-end Mutant Zombies. The difference is that, instead of passing an occasional Reaper or Bone that could be avoided, our students will be rubbing shoulders with Black and Irradiated zombies at every turn.

At this point the Long Arms and Rumblers, in all their variations, have replaced the Normal Zombies of the Blue Zones, who no longer appear in the game.
